Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On Again

On again - that is with dieting... I am the WORST at this part. I love all sorts of comfort foods, and never feel full eating unless I have me some good ole carbs. Oh well. I realize that this needs to happen, but I am still not happy about it. But come to think of it - am I happy the way I am now? No - for sure not. I am so sick of feeling inferior to others and not leaving the house because I have nothing to wear or I feel stupid because I have gained over 40 pounds since having my first child.
There, I finally said it. I have to lose at least 40 pounds to be back to pre - 1st pregnancy weight. That is ridiculous! I keep trying to hide myself and my weight. If you are a follower of my actual family blog - you may notice that I am in maybe 1 out of every 100 pictures. Why is this? Because I weigh too much! And I don't want anyone to know about it. So I avoid people and situations where I have to see someone I haven't seen in a while. How sad. Weight is a big problem, and I am sick of it. Things have got to change.
So thanks to my iphone I am tracking calories on the "Lose It" app. Too bad I struggle with finding healthy things I like to eat. Here's to a good week!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love Your Body 10k

I'm doing it ... anyone else in?
(P.S. Jogged a solid 2 miles today - I'm well on my way!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Goals Unfulfilled

So I didn't reach my goal of reading the entire Book of Mormon in the month of June :( Things just have been crazy and we have been having too much fun going camping and everything to just sit and read. Maybe I will try this project again in the winter - and then we will see how it goes. Unfortunately, finishing the book is also an unfulfilled goal. I am so close - so hopefully by the end of July.

In other news - I am training for a 10k! I once attempted to do a half marathon. I even paid the $35 to register for it - but when it came down to it, I knew I wasn't ready and didn't do it. I have always regretted it - plus this was back in 2007. So now, 4 years later, I have decided to at least do some sort of race and to get motivated to do it. Enter the "Love Your Body" 10k. It is on October 8 - and I am only 2 days into the training. So far, so good. I did pretty awesome on my jog yesterday (yes, I jog - I do not run). I only had to go for a mile, but I jogged for that entire mile without stopping. It is quite a big accomplishment for me. Hopefully I will keep up with the program!