Thursday, December 16, 2010

Visiting Teaching is a Kick in the Pants

So I don't know about a lot of other people, but I HATE visiting teaching. The time it takes to get a hold of your partner and the people you visit and come up with a time that works for everyone, along with getting 2 kids out the door and behaved during the entire time. It is just lame. Today at the last house big man and little man were both getting hungry and it just was taking FOREVER to get out of there. It just bugs. I don't even think the people we visit care if we even come over. I know I don't care if my visiting teachers come.

That is what today turned out to be. Visiting teaching day. It took all day and I still haven't showered yet. Mainly because I have been waiting for a time to exercise. Now that I actually have the time I really don't want to. What I really want to do is eat some moose tracks ice cream. It would be divine. But this whole blog is for the purpose of turning bad habits into good habits so I need to buck up and get down there and exercise. Jillian Michaels, here I come.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A New Day Makes All the Difference

So we woke up today to some good ole snow. Usually I don't really like snow, but since it is a week until Christmas, and it has been raining lately, I gladly welcomed it. I was a nice enough mother to get everyone bundled up and out to play in the snow. I had little baby in the front carrier under my coat with his head poking out - I think he was quite warm. I even gave my man 2 of his Christmas presents early - a snow shovel and a sled - so that we could have some fun. We went down a few runs on the sled, but Grant didn't like it too much. The snow was flying in his face and he was tired. So we went back inside and got him in his bed and then went out again - just my man and me. It was pretty funny. He kept trying to make snowballs to throw at me, but he just can't get the handle of using his hands with gloves on.

Anyway since my last post was so DEPRESSING I thought I would share that a new day and a new morning can make all the difference in the world. If I could only remember that the next time I am in a bad mood.

As far as my bad habits going good - I actually did my full Jillian Michaels Level 2 workout of her 30 Day Shred DVD. It is a killer but I feel so good now. I just need to keep it up.

We even got the man down again before 10 last night. It is a huge success to have 2 nights in a row. Unfortunately he gets really afraid in his bedroom. He is afraid of monsters, elephants, and any other animals being in our house. So he usually comes in to our room about 2 times during the night. I usually have enough will power to get him back into his bed the first time, but by the second time rolls around I am done in and I let him sleep there the rest of the night. This is not good! Bad habit go away! I need a solution to this problem. Right now we leave the light on in his room, and he has a Christmas tree in there - but to no avail. He is still scared. It doesn't help that he is the lightest sleeper in the world. So until I find a new solution to this problem, I think this bad habit will continue.

But I have also been trying to give him lots of attention and play time, and you know what, it seems to be working! He loves the attention and today I have not had one incident where he has hurt his little brother or yelled at me. It has been great. I have been reading The Power of Positive Parenting the past few days and it tells you to promote good behavior by pointing out the good stuff your kids are doing. It seems to be working. I just wish I was able to be positive all the time.

So it has been a good day, I got my workout in, I played with my kids, and I feel great. Thanks to a good nights sleep and a little positive play :) Thank you snow!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bummer Day

So today started off promising.... Christmas baking day at my in laws. The day was filled with sugary treats and other children to play with my two year old. Yes, there were a few hiccups with the 2 year old consisting of pushing, hitting, and a thrown flower pot, but overall it went quite well. I think the bummer day hit around 3:30 when we finally were packed and out of there, with my little man throwing a tantrum all the way to the car and a good while into the drive home. Luckily he fell asleep in the car and I was able to transport him quietly to his bed without waking him. I had 2 hours of freedom! Or so I thought, until the 3 month old woke up and wanted to eat and then wouldn't go back down. No time alone. I finally put the littlest man down in his bed and took a good long shower with shaving my legs and everything. But to no avail he was still awake when I got out. The hubby was minutes from being home, the 2 year old ready to wake up from his nap, and I still had not gotten more than 20 minutes to myself.

Luckily the hubby took the two nuggets to the store for groceries and I have a blissful hour or so to do whatever I want. So what should I do? I decide to take a good look at our finances and come up with a budget. Well that just got things really into a bummer, since we spend about 40% more than we make, and that is just for the basics! Ah! I need a job. So I go online looking for a part time job, in the evenings, with somewhat good pay so that we can survive. There is nothing out there people! At least not on the internet. I am going to have to go from business to business asking if they are hiring like I did back when I was sixteen looking for a summer job. It is so frustrating to have a college degree and not be able to do anything to help with the finances.

So I am now feeling like today was a total bummer day. At least I was able to get my kids both in bed by 10pm last night. It was a miracle.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Have you ever taken a good look at yourself and decided that so many things needed to change? Well, I feel that I have looked at myself like this for a good long year and enough is enough. How lazy must I be if I have wanted to change for so long, but have done nothing about it? Enter the new blog. Here at Bad Habits Gone Good I am going to write about my journeys to becoming a better version of myself. A better wife and mother, a better disciple of Christ, a better organizer, a better cleaner, a better dresser, a better piece of @#$! Everything better!

My first item of business is to be a better mother. I want to do it all today, really I do, but I will tell you - I have a two and a half year old boy and he is trying my patience. I really need to not be a lazy mom. Time outs are not an option for certain behaviors - consistency will be my goal. Consistent time outs for consistent problems. Hopefully creating a consistent angel :)

So here's to consistency. Will you be my guide? Check back with you tomorrow!
