Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Resolutions for 2012

I think I posted maybe 5 or 6 times in the last year, with the first being about new years resolutions. When I read that post again, I realize I was very vague in my goals, and basically wanted to change my entire persona. Well, it didn't happen. I don't know what I was expecting then, but I can't completely in change in under a year. I need to take it step by step and have fun in the process.

I am really excited about this new year and all of the possibilities it holds. I am always a sucker for these new resolutions. So here are my resolutions for this year:

1. Create a playroom for my kids in the unused space downstairs. (I am really excited about this one.... I will get to be creative and I will get to create an entirely new space. Can you say remodeling?) - Oh, and I want to get dress ups for that room - trip to the D.I.
2. Each Sunday I am going to write at least 1 personal story/experience for my own personal history. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I just need to get started. I have A LOT of unused time on Sundays, and I think this will fill it in quite nicely.
3. I am going to completely pay off one debt - I think the truck will get paid off this year - actually it WILL be the truck.
4. Here it goes again - lose 29 pounds by my 29th birthday. Do I need to talk about weight loss more???? I think not.
5. Complete 72 hour kits for the family by April's general conference. I have some of them done already, but I just need to finish them off.

I also want to have a monthly goal. Just to keep me on my toes and remind me of the yearly goals. So my January goal? Organize at least 1 shelf, drawer, closet section,etc. per day. I have already done a few drawers and it feels so good! I can't wait to do more.

1 comment:

  1. These goals sound awesome. I hear ya on the whole resolution thing, I am just making little goals here and there and praying that I can accompish any of it! You'll have to post pictures of the playroom. And I think you should blog more! You are such a good writer!
